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Head of Department: Mrs Fionnuala Schofield


My name is Mrs Schofield and I would like to warmly welcome you to the Psychology Department! I am the sole specialist teacher of A level Psycholoy and also the Head of Department.  I do hope that you will find the information outlined below useful and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.


Homework will be set via the online learning platform once a week for each class.  Sixth Form students are expected to complete at least 5 hours of homework a week.


tudents should have an A4 Lever arch folder, folder dividers, plastic wallets and a pencil case which they should bring with them to every lesson.  Each unit of work will require a separate folder. 

The Class teacher will also have an assessment folder for all students for any assessed work to be stored in. 

Students will be issued with a course textbook at the start of year 12 and year 13, along with a revision guide.  Students may wish to purchase supplementary textbooks which can be recommended to them if required. 

      Year One textbook                   Year Two textbook


Psychology Department praise and recognition

IIn Psychology each student is valued and recognised as an individual, which is reflected in the awarding of praise and recognition. Students will receive praise and recognition in a variety of ways through emails home, postcards, aspire points and the school newsletter. 

Upcoming Events

Watch this space for upcoming events! 


Careers in Psychology

Studying Psychology can prepare a student for their future career on many levels. 

For example, in terms of the numerous skills gained, students learn how to communicate effectively, in a verbal form, through discussion and debate, as well as in a written form through the practise of writing effective, focused exam question answers and clear, coherent notes.  

Other skills such as team work, resilience, attention to detail and the ability to investigate a problem creatively from many perspectives are all highly valued skills developed on the A- level psychology course which are transferable to the work place 

Also, the topic content of your A-Level psychology course links directly to many career areas such as business, education and medicine to name but a few. For example, through your study of social learning theory, you’ll develop an understanding of how advertising works. You will learn about the theories of learning and the biological model of OCD.  



By studying Psychology, it can lead you into a professional career in psychology such as those listed below: 

  • Academic teaching and research 

  • Assistant Psychologists 

  • Clinical Associate in Psychology 

  • Clinical Psychologist 

  • Counselling Psychologist 

  • Educational Psychologist 

  • Forensic Psychologist 

  • Health Psychologist 

  • Neuropsychologist 

  • Occupational Psychologist 

  • Psychological well-being practitioner 

  • Sport and exercise psychologist 

For further information on professional careers in psychology, please use the link below: 

There are also a number of other careers, please see below, where studying psychology would be useful: 

  • Advice worker 

  • Border force officer 

  • Careers adviser 

  • Chaplin 

  • Dance movement psychotherapist 

  • Educational consultant 

  • Human resources officer 

  • Life Coach 

  • Market Researcher 

  • Mediator 

  • Neuroscientist 

  • Play Therapist 

  • Policy Officer 

  • Social Researcher 

For further information on careers related to psychology please use the following links: 

For more information on our curriculum intent and implementation, click on the link below 




We are very proud of the achievements of our students and have high aspirations for their Post 18 destinations. Students who studied A-level Psychology, who left CNCS in 2022, went on to the following destinations to study Psychology or Psychology related degree courses:

  • Nottingham Trent to study Psychology
  • Coventry to study Psychology
  • Leeds to study Psychology
  • University of Derby to study Criminology
For more information on our curriculum intent and implementation, click on the link below

Link to the Psychology curriculum page