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Sixth Form Information Evening - Thursday 19th October 2023

As students have now entered Year 11 and have begun their final year of GCSE study, we are writing to invite you to the forthcoming Sixth Form Information Evening. This will be held across the Pope Francis Hall and the Sports Hall on Thursday 19th October 2023 between 4.30pm and 6.00pm.

The evening is designed to allow you and your child to speak to our Sixth Form teaching staff and our careers advisers about your child’s plans for the future.  The evening will begin with a presentation at 4.30pm in the Pope Francis Hall explaining how to join the Sixth Form, what courses are on offer and the benefits of staying on at Cardinal Newman. Students remain on school site after-school for Period 6, however parents/carers are welcome to arrive on school site for 4.30pm ahead of the welcome speech.

This will be followed by an opportunity to meet with the Sixth Form subject staff and students in the Sports Hall. This evening is the first step in applying to join the Sixth Form and has proved very beneficial to parents and students previously. 

It may seem early to consider the choices which will need to be made in Year 12.  However, making these decisions at such an early stage can help students to focus on their examination commitments and give them a goal towards which they can successfully aim.

Applications to transfer to the Sixth Form will open in November 2023. If you have any questions about Sixth Form or are an external student and would like to make an application please email our Sixth Form Administrator Amanda Higgins:

Thank you

Mr S McDonnell

Assistant Headteacher