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curriculum intent

The Modern Foreign Languages Department aims to promote a love of languages among all our students and maximise students’ ability to communicate effectively with people and understand their cultures, attitudes and customs. The opportunity of learning another language helps to foster essential values such as open-mindedness, acceptance and tolerance, thereby, as well as learning a language our students develop their personality as a whole, learn to embrace diversity and improve their knowledge of their own mother tongue.

We believe every student is entitled and capable of learning a foreign language. Language learning deepens the understanding of the world and helps develop many transferable and life-long learning skills which will broaden students’ prospects and options for the future, and everyone should have this chance.

Our aspirational curriculum aims to open students’ minds to different cultures, encourage them to step beyond familiar cultural boundaries and to nurture a lifelong passion for language learning and respect of diversity. We want students to recognise that “made for greatness” goes beyond our borders.

Students and Parents

Students and parents, to find out how our curriculum is planned and sequenced, click on our subject learning journeys below.

Spanish Learning Journey Year 7
Spanish Learning Journey Year 8
Spanish Learning Journey Year 9
Spanish Learning Journey Year 10
Spanish Learning Journey Year 11

French Learning Journey Year 7
French Learning Journey Year 8
French Learning Journey Year 9
French Learning Journey Year 10
French Learning Journey Year 11


To find out more about our how our curriculum is implemented you can click on our curriculum overviews