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Head of the Science Department: Mr Panesar


A very warm welcome to the Science department webpage. We hope that you will find the information outlined below useful, and please do not hesitate to contact us for further information on the Science department curriculum.


Jodh Panesar - Head of Department

Thomas Gordon – 2 i/c & year 8 & 9 progress and curriculum

Rebekah Mason - Key Stage Five progress and curriculum (Chemistry & Physics)

Avalin Mathew – Pupil premium in science (maternity leave 2023-2024)

John McGrath - Practical Lead 
Jodh Panesar - Teaching & Learning: curriculum development

Anjail Philps – Science teacher

Steven Panesar - Science Teacher
Nicola Shepherd – Science teacher

Julie Thomson - Senior Science Technician

Mark Underwood - "Stem Co-Ordinator"
Christine Ward – Science teacher & whole school pupil premium



Within Science, homework will be set on a weekly basis by the class teacher. Students will be able to find this on Classcharts and should have written the task and deadline in their planner. 

We use Educake for years 7 to 11 which is an online homework platform which links directly to the content being delivered and allows your child to review and revise the key knowledge from the lesson. As your child moves into KS4, homework will begin to incorporate exam practice questions to prepare them for sitting their GCSE. 

If your child is unable to access homework online, please ensure that the department are aware so that accessible homework can be set for your child.
Educake -


Equipment and Resources


Department praise and recognition

In Science, we strive to acknowledge our students' successes. Students will experience reward and recognition through the school newsletter, postcards and letters home as well as through our subject's Twitter page - @ScienceCncs


Careers in Science


Key stage 4 information

We use the exam board AQA for GCSE Biology, Chemistry & Physics and Combined trilogy. Pupils will be entered for the most appropriate course in Year 11. You will find links to the exam board's specification and recommended revision materials below:

GCSE Biology  -

GCSE Chemistry  -

GCSE Physics  -

GCSE Combined trilogy -



Key stage 5 information

We offer three Science A Levels and one BTEC at CNCS:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • BTEC level three extended certificate in Applied Science

You will find the links to A Level and BTEC specification




BTEC level three extended certificate in Applied Science (unit 8 is our optional unit)




Click on the link to find out more about STEM


For more information on our curriculum intent and implementation, click on the link below

Link to Science curriculum page