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For more information, support and guidance on careers support available, please see our careers department page, which can be found here:

Careers Team

Careers Adviser & Coordinator: Ms Brennan 

Careers Lead: Sarah Scanlon (Assistant Head)

AIMS of cardinal Newman careers department

Aims of Cardinal Newman Careers Department:

  • We will develop our careers strategy and programme in line with the Gatsby benchmarks
  • The careers programme will take a varied approach to the exploration of career pathways and the development of employability skills for each child to ensure that students have the essential skills to be work ready
  • We will deliver a careers programme that is aspirational, making sure that all students are aware of all the opportunities available to them as per the Baker Clause
  • There will be extensive support for students and parents to ensure that students are best prepared for their post 16 and 18 choices to maximise potential
  • We will use and inform students of up to date local and national labour market information to help them be best prepared for their working life
  • We will build students’ self-esteem and confidence to motivate them and provide them with the tools to aspire to the best they can be


Upcoming Careers Events and Open Days

Careers events

National Apprenticeship Fortnight – ASK Apprenticeship Talk Monday 5th February 2024

Students in Year 9,10 and 12 had the opportunity to hear from ASK Apprenticeships who delivered a talk about what an apprenticeship is and why they should potentially consider it as a next step course in the future. Students also had a follow up pastoral session, looking into more detail about apprenticeships.



Apprenticeship Fair – CBS Arena – Wednesday 31st January 2024

Students in Year 11 had the opportunity to attend the Apprenticeship Fair in Coventry. There were a number of local businesses and national companies who offer apprenticeships. Students had the opportunity to find out more about apprenticeships and how to apply for them. Students were able to gain an insight into their Post 16 options. Employers in attendance, such as Costa, the Army and many others.

Autumn careers fair – Thursday 16th November 2023

Students in Year 11 and 12 had the opportunity to meet a wide variety of providers to discuss options after they have finished their GCSE’s. We were joined by a wide variety of providers;  including colleges; Apprenticeship Providers: Sports/Dance Academies amongst others, who offer pathways to Post 16 Students.

We had a mix of different Post 16 Providers who deliver courses/apprenticeships in a variety of career paths. The students were able to talk to providers regarding Engineering, Sport, Music Production, The Military (Army & RAF) Accountancy, Hairdressing, Business, Motor Mechanics to name just a few!

Our reach went as far north as Birmingham and south as Stratford - we want to ensure our students are empowered to make informed choices with their Post 16 pathway. Students really enjoyed meeting the different providers and were able to have useful conversations to support in their applications.






National Manufacturing Day – 28th September 2023

It was the annual "National Manufacturing Day" on the 28th September where UK wide Manufacturing and Engineering companies throw open their doors to students across the country to invite them in and give them a 'behind the scenes look' at what they do and to inspire them!

A group of our Year 11 students went out to a company called Envisage Group. They are an Engineering and Service provider who are focussed on creating beautifully bespoke, perfectly engineered vehicles and products.

The students initially had an introduction to the company and were then invited to watch a bespoke car, as the finished article being shown gliding along at a car show event and demonstrated speed over 268MPH! Then the students were shown around and saw all the areas that contributed to the creation of this amazing car. They saw the area where mood-boards were created to show different colour themes and materials to assist/inspire the client when they get the order in for a bespoke car. We saw how Envisage have a hand on the sustainability pulse and creating car upholstery from banana skin/ denim jeans! It was absolutely amazing. We saw the trim team who create the upholstery who have to measure and be accurate to the millimetre.

We then looked at a model which was going through production as well. Then the piece de resistance was seeing the actual car that we had seen on the video earlier that had reached speeds of 268+MPH. We saw the aerodynamics and the fins and the way it was created to gain those speeds.

The visit really captured the essence of the subjects we study - Product design; Art; Maths; English; Physics; Geography - all key in the transferable knowledge they create.

The company then treated us to some wonderful hospitality before sending us home with a goodie bag - a great afternoon was had by all!



Summer Careers Fair – Friday 31st March 2023

On Friday 31st March students in Year 8, 9 and 12 attended our careers fair in school. Students had the opportunity to talk with over 30 employers and providers to find out about what their career journey might look like in the future. Students had an absolutely fantastic time finding out about a variety of jobs, apprenticeships, Universities and colleges and found it extremely informative.

In attendance were: Coventry University , University of Hertfordshire, Uptime Consulting, Severn Trent Water, Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Training, Coventry College, The MTC, The Army, Coventry City Council, Aspire2Be, Heart of England Training, Meggitt, National Grid, DHL, Balfour Beatty, Police Recruitment Team – Staffordshire College, Department of Work and Pensions, The Civil Service, Kwik-Fit, The Princes Trust, Wates Construction, Kier, Sherbourne Recycling, NHS Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership Trust, Askews Legal, Birmingham Institute of Jewellery, Fashion and Textile, Warwick University, Core Arts Theatre Training, Oxford Brookes University, Birmingham access Creative College, Dafferns Accountants, Evobus, University of Lincoln.











































Coventry University STEM visit – Year 9

Students in Year 9 enjoyed a day at Coventry University on 8th March to find out about going to University and STEM subjects. Students heard a really inspirational talk by Katriona O’Sullivan about women in STEM subjects. Students attended workshops based on Engineering and had a tour of the Engineering faculty including the new Beatrice Shilling Building facilities the University. Students also appeared on Midlands Today and were interviewed about their day. The workshops were run by the following departments at the University:

  • School of Mechanical Engineering
  • School of Future Transport Engineering
  • School of Computing, Mathematics and Data Science

Year 9 – Apprenticeship talk – 09.02.23

As part of National Apprenticeship week, our Year 9 students had a talk from Anita at CWCT about what an apprenticeship is and what a programme of study might be like if they chose that route in the future. It was great for students to hear about their options after Year 11 and begin to prepare them for their future.


Year 9 STEM careers fayre – Coventry Transport Museum – 17.01.23

Students attended a careers fair at Coventry Transport Museum. The event was a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) Careers Fayre, whereby students will have the opportunity to meet and talk to a number of employers such as Tata Motors, Warwick Uni, Brose, Highly Sprung, Cheylesmore Accountants, Vodafone, Exasoft Group and many more about the careers they offer and pathways into working and studying with them.

MTC Engineering visit - 1st Dec 2022

On Thursday 1st December, students in Year 11 and 12 who are interested in applying for an Apprenticeship visited MTC Engineering. Students found out about the application process and what types of activities they might undertake, then had a hands-on experience using some of the equipment. Students enjoyed hearing about what an engineering apprenticeship would involve and what jobs might come from completing that with MTC. 


Year 11 Careers

Fair – Friday 18th November

We welcomed 20 different post 16 providers into school to share with students the different options that they have after leaving Year 11. Students found out about the school sixth form, local apprenticeship providers, Football academies, careers in the RAF and further education colleges. Students were inspired to find out what options are available to them after they leave Year 11. Students were provided with an interaction card to start their conversations with the providers and ask important to questions to support them.


8th November 2022 – National Apprenticeship Show

Students in year 11, 12 and 13 who had indicated that they were interested in an apprenticeship attended the National Apprenticeship Fair at CBS Arena. They found out all about what doing an apprenticeship involves and the businesses that offer apprenticeships.

5th July 2022 – Year 8 Meet the Employer Event

Our Year 8s had a very exciting day, engaging with Business Professionals from various walks of life. The students were prepped beforehand and got to ask lots of questions about what they did; what the role involved; what was exciting about it; what did they do before etc.

The event was set up like a Business Speed Networking event which allowed the students to meet a number of professionals across one lesson period!

We had the Police; an Architect: a Driving Instructor; an Engineer; a Welder/fabricator; a Hotel Wedding Planner and many more!

This is just taking the first steps into Careers - allowing them to see just a snapshot of what's out there; and get their minds thinking.

29th June 2022 – Year 10 and 12 careers fair

It was so lovely to welcome numerous employers to the school for our Spring Careers Fair. Students in Year 10 and 12 got to talk to people from many different industries and find out about different types of jobs that they might look to do in the future. Examples of employers were Ambulance service, nursing, architects, football academy, army, musicians and many more.

Thank you to all the employers for giving up their time to inspire the next generation.


22nd June 2022 – Big Bang Science Fair

Year 7 students attended the Big Bang Science Fair at the NEC. They enjoyed finding out about the different careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).


28th January 2022 – Amazing Apprenticeships

Today we were lucky enough to have 'Amazing Apprenticeships' join invited Year 11 and 13 students. Students took part in a workshop to outline to them what options are available in terms of subjects and how to apply for apprenticeships.


9th December 2021 – Year 11 careers fair

Year 11 had an excellent day at their Careers Fair! Lots of prospective companies came in to talk to our students about alternative destinations after GCSE’s. We were so proud of our Year 11s and their excellent attitudes and engagement in the event!