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In a joint venture with the English Department, last term the Library launched a half termly competition to search for a ‘Star Reader’ from each year group. Staff have been asked to nominate a student who they feel is deserving of the award as they have demonstrated above and beyond perseverance and commitment in their reading.

It was an absolute pleasure, before Christmas, to award a student from Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 with a certificate of achievement and congratulations as well as a prize.

One overall winner is then selected from the five and presented with a special book selected by the Library to encourage them on their continued reading journey.

It has been wonderful to see how proud the students are of their achievements.

Our current ‘Star Readers’ are:



Past winners






Autumn 1.2

Autumn 1.1

Summer 3.2

Summer 3.1

Spring 2.2 

Spring 1.2

Autumn Term 2.2