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Archive Letters To All Parents

  1. Changes to Tutor Letter - June 2024
    PDF File
  2. Year 11 Targeted Letter - Coventry Master
    PDF File
  3. General Election Day June 2024 (002)
    PDF File
  4. Parental FAQ's - Work experience
    PDF File
  5. Collection of A Level Exam Results Summer 2024
    PDF File
  6. Collection of Y10 GCSE Exam Results Summer 2024
    PDF File
  7. Collection of Y11 GCSE Exam Results Summer 2024
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  8. 'Turn It Blue' Letter July 2024
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  9. Progress Review Letter Summer 2024
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  10. Pre placement parental FAQs Yr12
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  11. Battlefield Trip Letter July 24
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  12. Start of Term Letters Uniform & Standards 19.08.2024
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  13. Start of Term Letters Uniform & Standards 19.08.2024 (1)
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  14. Start of term letter 2024
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  15. Cardinal Newman Parents' Letter- Early Closure
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  16. Year 7 Home Learning Letter Launch 24-25
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  17. Year 11 Home Learning Letter Launch 24-25
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  18. Year 10 Home Learning Letter Launch 24-25
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  19. Year 9 Home Learning Letter Launch 24-25
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  20. Year 8 Home Learning Letter Launch 24-25
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  21. Amended Controlled Assessment BTEC Letter year 10 Sept 24
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  22. Extra Curr Poster Winter 2024
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  24. CARDINAL NEWMAN & 147346 Year 9 booster letter 1
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  25. Relaunch Home learning Letter April 24 1
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  26. Year 7 Parents' Evening Letter
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  28. CARDINAL NEWMAN & 147346 Year 9 booster letter 1 (2)
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  29. Approved MFL Speaking Exam Speaking Exam April 2024
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  30. Non-Uniform Day Friday 19 April 2024
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  31. Criminology Appointment Letter April 2024
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  32. Early Finish - 03.05.24
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  33. Year 11 Leavers’ Hoodies Aprill 2024
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  34. Y12 Criminology Appointment Letter
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  35. Expedition parent and student pack
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  36. Dental Packs Letter Jan 24
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  37. Year 11 Prom Letter - May 2024
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  38. Big Day Out Letter May 2024 (1)
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  39. Big Day Out Letter 2024
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  40. Leavers mass parent letter
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  41. Uniform Letter - May 2024
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  42. Update letter for Hague trip
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  43. Year 11 Revision May Half Term - May 24
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  46. Y12 Parents Evening July 2024
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  47. NEC fayre letter
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  48. Y10 Summer Mock Examination Letter
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  49. General Election Day June 2024
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  50. KS letter 16th June
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  51. Sports Day 2024
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  52. Reading age tests - parental notice letter
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  53. MFL languages - letter
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  54. Y9 Options Letter
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  55. Year 11 Takeaway Information Evening (1)
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  56. Y13 Student Finance Evening Letter
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  57. Y12 Parents Evening
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  58. Business Letter
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  59. NEA Food Parent Letter Mar 24
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  60. Year 13 Spring Mock Examination Results Letter
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  61. Year 13 Intervention Group Letter Spring 2024
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  62. Core Mock Examinations Timetable
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  63. Y11 Easter Homework & Mock Prep Booklet New
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  64. Parent Meeting Law
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  65. Year 11 Takeaway letter March 24
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  66. Brandon Marsh Trip Mar 24
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  67. Ski Letters
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  68. Biology Intervention Letter
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  69. Year11EasterSchool2024
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  70. Year 11 Easter School 2024
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  71. Year 11 Leavers Prom Letter February 24 (2)
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  72. Year 9 Parents' Evening Letter
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  73. Bereavement Letter March 2024
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  74. Year 11 Easter School 2024 (1)
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  75. Ski Trip Reserve Letter March 2024
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  76. Russian letter
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  77. Cantonese letter
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  78. Polish letter
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  79. Italian letter
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  80. Brandon Marsh Trip Mar 24
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  81. Y11 Rewards Trip Letter - Nov 2023
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  82. Invite to all Parents for mass
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  83. Evaluation 2023 (002)
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  84. Business Period 6 Letter - Dec 23
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  85. Autumn Assessment Progress Review Letter
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  86. End of Term - Break up for Christmas 2023 (1)
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  87. Peter Pan Goes Wrong Trip Letter
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  88. Standards Letter December 2023
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  89. Year 8 Parents' Evening Letter
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  90. Year 10 Parents' Evening Letter
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  91. Standards Letter January 2024
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  92. Cardinal Newman
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  94. Y11 Absence Letter Mock Exams
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  95. Y10 Parents' Evening Reminder Letter 2024
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  96. Peter Pan Goes Wrong Trip Letter (1)
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  97. KS5 Conference February 2024
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  98. Piercings Letter Jan 2024
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  99. Options booklet 2024
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  100. Options evening letter 2024
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  101. Pet-xi revision sessions - February half term Maths Higher
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  102. Pet-xi Science February 19th 2024
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  103. Pet-xi Maths Foundation February 19th 2024
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  104. Food Tech 19th February 10-1pm
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  105. Food Tech 19th February 10-3pm
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  106. Timbers 19th February 12.30-3.30pm
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  107. History Revision session Feb 16th 9am-12pm (1)
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  108. Geography Revision session Feb 13th 9am-12pm
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  109. English Revision session Feb 23th 9am-12pm
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  110. Pet-xi Maths Foundation February 19th 2024 (1)
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  111. English Revision session Feb 14th 9am-12pm y11
    PDF File
  112. English Revision session Feb 12th 9am-12pm
    PDF File
  113. Geography Revision session Feb 13th 9am-12pm
    PDF File
  114. English Revision session Feb 14th 9am-12pm
    PDF File
  115. History Revision session Feb 16th 9am-12pm
    PDF File
  116. Options Letter SEND Feb 24
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  117. Year 11 Takeaway & Information Evening
    PDF File
  118. Year 11 Leavers Prom Letter February 24
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  119. Bullying Letter February 2024
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  120. Cyber Attack Letter February 2024
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  121. Year 11 Leavers Prom Letter February 24
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  122. Safeguarding Letter to Parents - 26.02.24
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  123. Open Evening - Student Helpers 2023
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  124. National Manufacturing Day visit parent letter main (1)
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  125. X-country Letter 2023
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  126. Library Newsletter Issue 1
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  127. X-country Letter RELAYS Oct 2023
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  128. Progress Review Letter Y11 Autumn 23
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  129. Pupil Premium Letter
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  131. Calculator Letter
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  132. X-country Letter RELAYS Oct 2023
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  133. Dol y moch Launch letter Sept 2024 SWN vConfirmed
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  134. Send Coffee Morning 8.11.23
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  135. Next Steps Provider Information 2023-24
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  136. Unifrog letter for parents
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  137. Autumn Assessment Calendar
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  138. Flu Vaccination 2023
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  139. Injectable Flu Vaccine poster
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  140. Period 7 letter Tuesday letter
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  141. Period 7 letter Wednesday
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  142. Period 7 letter Thursday
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  143. Library Newsletter Issue 2
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  144. LIBF Exam letter Nov 23
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  145. Saturday Tuition NSI maths (1)
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  146. Saturday Tuition KAN English
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  147. Saturday Tuition SON maths
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  148. Saturday Tuition KRK maths
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  149. Saturday Tuition NSD Science
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  150. Saturday Tuition FIN maths
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  151. Advent Letter to Parents Nov 23
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  152. Letter to parents for Coronation
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  153. Vaccination Letter 11.05.23
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  154. Praise Congratulations Letter May 23
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  155. FSM vouchers May 2023
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  156. Standards uniform and equipment
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  157. May half term revision sessions
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  158. Year 11 Prom - conduct contract
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  159. HPV 2023 Letter to Schools - Coventry
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  160. CBGC Summer Camp 2023
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  161. MFL Options Letter 2023
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  162. 5th and 7th July Strike action
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  163. Coffee Morning Letter
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  164. Internet Safety Workshop Poster 2023
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  165. Big Day In July 2023
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  166. Progress Reviews July 2023
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  167. FSM vouchers July 2023
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  168. End of Term Letter - July 2023
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  169. Behaviour Home~School Agreement 2023-24
    PDF File
  170. September 2023 Uniform expectations
    PDF File
  171. Collection of Y10 GCSE Exam Results Summer 2023
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  172. Collection of A Level Exam Results Summer 2023
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  173. Collection of Y11 GCSE Exam Results Summer 2023
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  174. Progress Review July 2023 - HON
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  175. MAC Feast Day Year 9 Sept 2023
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  176. Class Charts Parent Guide - 2023
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  177. Gateway letter
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  178. Arbor Guidance- Nov 23
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  179. Coventry Boot Fund
    PDF File
  180. Letter - Early Finish September 2023
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  181. Letter for Book Giveaway event
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  182. Children's Mental Health Week Feb 23
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  183. Controlled Assessment BTEC Letter
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  184. Strike action March 1st
    PDF File
  185. Book Token Letter 2023
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  186. World book Day QR Code Poster
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  187. World Book Day Token
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  188. Class Charts Parent Guide
    PDF File
  189. Classcharts Feb 23
    PDF File
  190. Strike action letter 1st March prep
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  191. Respect - Environment and Chewing Gum Feb 23
    PDF File
  192. Safeguarding-Updates
    PDF File
  193. Financial Studies resit letter
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  194. Brandon Marsh trip letter
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  195. Homework Incomplete Letter
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  196. Strike action letter March 13th 2023
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  197. NEA FOOD Practical- FUNDED PUPILS
    PDF File
  198. Anti-bullying Letter March 2023
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  199. FSM vouchers Easter 2023
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  200. Trip letter
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  201. Standards Letter Easter 2023 (1)
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  202. LIBF Exam letter
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  203. Standards Letter Easter 2023
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  204. Strike action 27th April and 2nd May
    PDF File
  205. Internet Safety Workshop Poster 2023
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  206. Music letter - April 2023 (002)
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  207. Police Safety Warning- Nitrous Oxide April 23 (002)
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  208. UofB LETTER
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  209. MFL Options Letter
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  210. Summer Immunisations Clinic
    PDF File
  211. Year 9 Biology revsion guide letter
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  212. Bus services changing sept 2022 version 2
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  213. Cardinal Newman summary of alternative routes
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  214. Bus services changing September
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  215. Aware Parent Letter
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  216. Letter 18th July
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  217. Year 12 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS 2022
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  218. Yr 11 to yr12 Transition 22.23
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  219. Meet the Tutor - Tutor Session for Parents - Mr Davis - 7SDS
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  220. Year 11 Information Evening
    PDF File
  221. Mental Health Ambassadors Application
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  222. Apprenticeship trip - 08.11.22
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  223. Revision Guide Links
    PDF File
  224. Families Hub Drop-in Poster
    PDF File
  225. !!Carol Concert- Cancellation letter
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  226. Geography Homework
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  228. Careers across the curriculum letter
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  229. Term-Dates-2022-23
    PDF File
  230. Monday 12th December- Mr Poole Trip (1)
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  231. Letter For 6th Feb
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  232. Letter For 7th Feb
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  233. Y11 Jan Mock Exam Slides
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  234. Cov AmbasSENDors Club poster 2023
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  235. Ambassendors flyer January 2023
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  236. Evaluation 2022-2023
    PDF File
  237. Parent letter strike action 25.01.23
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  238. FSM vouchers February 2023
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  239. Revision conference letter
    PDF File
  240. FSM Unused Vouchers March 2022
    PDF File
  241. Donation flyer - Ukraine parents
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  242. Internet Safety Workshops Poster
    PDF File
  243. Yr13 Leavers letter May 2022
    PDF File
  244. Year 11 & Year 13 Finishing Info
    PDF File